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It's God
Posted:Aug 08, 2022        Views:265        Back to List
The terrible howl of the wolf was mixed with a powerful hurricane which blew the whole wide street in disorder Kayi was slightly stupefied but did not think that the three blood werewolf kings actually sent out the breath close to the level of Warcraft eyes once again returned to the young man in black who was surrounded by the breath of death but this look where there is the figure of the Warcraft master only a trace of strange dead breath remained in the area where he was just now Can let three close to the level of the blood werewolf king as a guard Gaia's own strength now is naturally not these low-level holy level strong can resist In addition his own speed has reached a limit under the influence of the hidden ring the Holy Devil Teacher can no longer capture Gaia's breath as long as he is slightly distracted (To be continued) [] Fastest updat 114th Yom Kippur Let the battle take place in the city especially in your most central downtown area is Xiangxue Mi cut the stomach Although Kaye is going to stop Gaia But he couldn't do it at the cost of destroying this section of the city so he decided to bring the three near-class blood werewolf kings into Magnesium Oxide price the air to fight The strength is close to the level Even without wings the Blood Werewolf King can still fly but the Blood Werewolf King is not an ignorant creature

The outside of the statue was painted with white spar But the interior is the same as the wall using the body of the Elf God Tree and only the Elf God Tree has such a huge body to carve such a magnificent statue Destroyed a race and used the sacred tree of the race as a material to carve statues of the gods of prayer begging for forgiveness from the gods This is the hypocrisy that human beings are best at waving flags and shouting all day long "advocating peace and believing in gods" A faint voice sounded beside Gaia This man of course was Fizer who had been waiting for Gaia in the square for a long time caustic calcined magnesite Although Fei Ze did not leave here but probably the situation has been understood this city built on the tomb of the elves is simply the source of evil for thousands of years Had it not been for the unexpected arrival of Gaia who received the inheritance of the elves how could this shocking secret have been known to the world The race that was once widely known to the world disappeared in the mainland only because of the most terrible thing in the world human nature Gaia had no more feelings Maybe he had a lot to do with the blood flowing in the city of Fleine tonight But he has no sense of guilt and with half of his elven blood he feels out of touch with these hypocritical and cruel humans What man! The Snow Griffin Guard saw the two menacingly enter the Colossus area Immediately appeared in the two men's field of vision these snow Griffin guards completely ignored the fight in the West City and always stuck around the giant idol

With layers of burning heat it didn't take long to engulf all the knights of the snow griffon Suddenly five or six knights of the snow griffon who had not Magnesium Oxide MgO been protected by fighting spirit in time turned into blackened corpses They fell from the air with the blackened griffons without feathers and fell into the sea of fire turning into ashes in an instant The wave of flames that filled the square did not affect Gaia much He stepped directly under the statue of the giant God He did not even use the enchantment dagger Directly with the black sword directly opened the boundary along the giant God at the foot of the spar ladder to the square underground The underground floor is built in a gorgeous way and even if the light source is not needed the whole underground floor is shining brightly and transparently Down the stairs it seems to be an endless staircase passage surrounded by gorgeous spar walls But I can't see the fountain of life